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"Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center


Self-paced E-Learning courses designed and presented by Richard Barrett.

1. There are five modules: Foundation Courses, Personal Evolution, Organizational Evolution, Societal Evolution and Leadership Development.

2. You can design your own E-learning program by following a particular module or by picking and choosing your courses from different modules.  

3. There are two types of courses – E-Learning Courses and E-Info Courses. The E-Learning Courses are designed for the purpose of teaching. The E-Info courses are designed for the purpose of information dissemination.

4. Even though the amount of content in the E-Learning courses varies, the price is the same for each course (£185).

5. The E-learning courses present the essential content of the Richard Barrett’s writings in a concise and easily digestible format. Reading assignments from Richard Barrett’s books are included in many of the courses.
Note: The Barrett Academy is run as a not-for-profit company. All Academy income, after expenses, is reinvested in the research and teachings of the Academy. By purchasing an E-learning course you are contributing to the work of the Academy in furthering the evolution of human consciousness.
The focus of the Consciousness Courses is on the understanding who you are, where you are in your personal development, and what you need to do to live in soul consciousness. You can either purchase the courses as a bundle for the discounted price of £99 (SAVING £61) or individually for the prices indicated.

The courses marked with an asterisk (*) can be accessed free of charge for your personal use if you register for the Humanity Awareness Initiative (HAI) Core Program. If, however, you choose to go ahead and purchase these courses from the Academy, your payment will be used to support the HAI not-for-profit organization.
Details of the four courses contained in the Consciousness E-learning module can be found by clicking on the boxes below.
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"Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center

Seven Stages of Psychological Development

Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness

Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness

Five Steps
to Soul

Five Steps
to Soul

The Ego-Soul
Dynamics of Wellbeing

The Ego-Soul
Dynamics of Wellbeing

Seven Stages of Personal Development (7SPD) Free
We are all on a journey of personal evolution: we just don't know it. It begins at conception, and if you consciously engage in the journey it continues until your last day. You only begin to consciously engage in this journey when you decide to explore three existential questions: Who am I? Why am I here? and What is my purpose? This course helps you to answer these questions.
What You Will Learn
• The seven stages of personal development
• The approximate age when each stage of development begins  
• The key requirements for mastering each stage of development
• The ego stages of development
• The soul stages of development
Recommended Pre-Courses
    Recommended Post-Courses
    • Five Steps to Souls Activation (5SSA)
    • Evolutionary Coaching (EVCO)
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    Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness (7LPC) £45*
    We operate at levels of consciousness and we grow in stages of development. Normally, the level of consciousness we operate from is the same as the stage of development we have reached. If at any moment in time, we are reminded of our unmet needs from a lower stage of development, or we find ourselves in a situation where our survival, safety, and security needs appear to be challenged, we will descend to a lower level of consciousness. Only when we have learned to master the lower levels of consciousness do we begin to operate from the higher levels of consciousness.
    What You Will Learn
    • How to identify the seven levels of consciousness
    • The difference between deficiency needs and growth needs
    • How to determine the levels of consciousness you are operating from
    • How to differentiate ego needs from soul desires
    • Discover what you need to do to operate from full-spectrum consciousness
    Recommended Pre-Courses
    • 7 Stages of Personal Development (7SPD)
    Recommended Post-Courses
    • Five Steps to Souls Activation (5SSA)
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    The 5 Steps to Soul Activation (5SSA) £60
    This course provides a step-by-step process for living from soul consciousness. It begins by teaching you how to become aware of your soul. After becoming aware of your soul, you move onto learning how to connect with your soul, and then how to befriend your soul. The next step is the game changer - learning how to trust your soul. From this point on it is only a matter of time before you become one with your soul. 
    What You Will Learn
    • Your soul is a field of conscious awareness that is associated with your
    energy field
    • Your ego is a field of conscious awareness that is associated with your body
    • Your soul created your ego to protect itself from the pain of separation that it experiences in our material world
    • You can only grow and develop if you align your ego's motivations with your soul's motivations
    • How to activate soul consciousness
    Recommended Pre-Courses
    • 7 Stages of Psychological Development (7SPD)
    • The Evolution of Decision-Making (EVDM)
    Recommended Post-Courses
    • The Ego-Soul Dynamics of Well-being (ESWB)
    • The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
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    The Ego-Soul Dynamics of Well-being (ESWB) £55
    This course describes what it means to be human. It explains how we create our reality and how the reality we create impacts our mental and physical health.Our health and well-being are fundamentally dependent on the degree of alignment we manage to achieve between our ego's motivations and our soul's motivations.
    What You Will Learn
    • How the energy dynamic between the ego and soul affects our lives.
    • The link between the stages of development and physical disease.
    • Why some women struggle to master the self-actualizing stage of development.
    • Why some men struggle to master the integrating stage of development.
    • The reasons why people become depressed at each stage of development.
    Recommended Pre-Courses
    • 7 Stages of Psychological Development (7SPD)
    • 7 levels of Consciousness (7LPC)
    Recommended Post-Courses
    • Five Steps to Souls Activation (5SSA)
    • Evolutionary Coaching (EVCO)
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    The reading assignments for the courses in this module refer to these books.
    What My Soul Told Me
    A New Psychology of Human Well-Being
    You may also find this book to be a useful resource. The Metrics of Human Consciousness
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    "Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
    Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center

    Review The Other 3 E-Learning Modules





