Societal Transformation

"Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center


Self-paced E-Learning courses designed and presented by Richard Barrett.

1. There are five modules: Foundation Courses, Personal Evolution, Organizational Evolution, Societal Evolution and Leadership Development.

2. You can design your own E-learning program by following a particular module or by picking and choosing your courses from different modules.  

3. There are two types of courses – E-Learning Courses and E-Info Courses. The E-Learning Courses are designed for the purpose of teaching. The E-Info courses are designed for the purpose of information dissemination.

4. Even though the amount of content in the E-Learning courses varies, the price is the same for each course (£185).

5. The E-learning courses present the essential content of the Richard Barrett’s writings in a concise and easily digestible format. Reading assignments from Richard Barrett’s books are included in many of the courses.
Note: The Barrett Academy is run as a not-for-profit company. All Academy income, after expenses, is reinvested in the research and teachings of the Academy. By purchasing an E-learning course you are contributing to the work of the Academy in furthering the evolution of human consciousness.
The focus of the Societal Courses is on supporting the evolution of human wellbeing at the personal and societal levels. You can either purchase the courses as a bundle for the discounted price of £320 (20% Savings) or individually for the prices indicated. Details of the three courses contained in the Societal E-learning module can be found by clicking on the boxes below.

Support your community development by learning about the Humanity Awareness Initiative. Start now with FREE access to the Humanity Awareness Initiative course and video. No payment details required. Just click below.

Details of the courses contained in this module can be found by clicking on the boxes below.
"Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center

Seven Stages of Psychological Development

Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness

Seven Levels of Personal Consciousness

Five Steps
to Soul

Five Steps
to Soul

The Ego-Soul
Dynamics of Wellbeing

The Ego-Soul
Dynamics of Wellbeing

Seven Stages of Societal Development (courses & videos)
Since the arrival of Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scene 200,000 years ago, six worldviews have emerged. Each worldwide evolved in response to changes in social living conditions, and changes in social living conditions were triggered by changes in collective human psychological development. Each new stage of collective human psychological development was accompanied by a shift in collective identity and an expansion of conscious awareness.
What You Will Learn
• Why identity is the foundation of wellbeing.
• The link between wellbeing and worldviews.
• What worldview is your nation operating from?
• What worldview is now emerging?
• What other worldviews are like to emerge in the future?
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • 7 Stages of Personal Development (7SPD)
    Recommended Post-Courses
    • Leading in Society (LSOC)
      The Crucial Role of Organizations in Societal Wellbeing (courses & videos)
      To improve national wellbeing, you first need to understand how to create personal wellbeing. You also need to know how to measure national wellbeing. This course explains the link between personal, community and national wellbeing. The course explains how organizations can play an important role in improving, personal, community, national and global wellbeing. 
      What You Will Learn
      • The seven levels of personal wellbeing.
      • The link between personal and national wellbeing.
      • How to measure national wellbeing.
      • The crucial role organizations play in creating personal, community, national and global wellbeing.
      Recommended Pre-Courses
      • 7 Stages of Personal Development (7SPD)
      Recommended Post-Courses
      • Humanity Awareness Initiative (HMAI)
      Leading in Society (courses & videos)
      There are many ways you can become a leader in a societal context. Whatever leadership role you have will inevitably mean setting up a group or an organization that will need to be led and managed. To lead in society you must become a full-spectrum human being and a full-spectrum leader.You must be able to respond to every challenge you face in a calm and thoughtful manner. You must become a role model for the evolution of human consciousness.
      What You Will Learn
      1. Why the worldview of democratic leaders reflects the dominant stage of personal development of the citizens.
      2. The four conditions required to attract followers.
      3. The five skills you need to be a leader in the 21st century.
      4. The seven stages of societal development.
      5. The two fundamental requirements for the evolution of society.
      Recommended Pre-Courses
      • 7 Stages of Personal Development (7SPD)
      Recommended Post-Courses
      • National Wellbeing – The Crucial Role of Organizations (NAWB)
        The Humanity Awareness Initiative (courses & videos)
        The central objective of the Humanity Awareness Initiative is to accelerate the evolution of human consciousness by showcasing and creating education and training programs that lead to the emergence of this new worldview.
        What You Will Learn
        1. Why the Humanity Awareness Initiative (HAI) is important in our global history.
        2. What are the main proposals concepts of the HAI
        3. How you can get involved in creating a new global worldview.
        4. The benefits that embracing HAI will bring to the world.
        5. The courses that people can follow to gain a deeper understanding of HAi.
        Recommended Pre-Courses
        • 7 Stages of Personal Development (7SPD)
        Recommended Post-Courses
        • National Wellbeing – The Crucial Role of Organizations (NAWB)
          "Valuable, beautifully designed, cutting-edge, self-paced E-Learning courses for people and organizations who want to evolve, grow and understand their values. Barrett’s courses provide the framework and insights to transform personal lives. And also, now more critical than ever, they enable a raised consciousness to hold up a better way of living, not just for self, but for our society as a whole."  
          Dr. Laura Burgis, President & CEO, The Human Values Center

          Review The Other 3 E-Learning Modules





