Endorsements for 
Love, Fear & the Destiny of Nations

Part Two: The  Evolution of Democracy describes the seven values that are required  to create a high-trust liberal democracy—the journey from freedom to  trust.  The  impact  of each value on the improvement of the quality of democracy  is  discussed  along with specific measures and examples of good and bad practices from the United States, the United Kingdom and Sweden.

Part Three: The  Destiny  of  Nations explores the impact that the future evolution  of human consciousness will have on world affairs with reference to  the  need  for,  and  the  practicalities  involved  in,  creating  the conditions  that  allow  democratic nations to work together to resolve the major  issues  facing the world at the regional and global levels. The book concludes  with  some reflections on the further evolution of democracy and the  obstacles that have to be overcome for human beings and their societal constructs  (communities and nations) to fulfil their evolutionary destiny.

Love,  Fear and the Destiny of Nations provides a historical perspective on the  impact of the evolution of human consciousness on world affairs. There are three parts to Volume 1:

Part One: Human Destiny identifies the underlying patterns that have guided the  evolution  of  individual  human  consciousness  and  group (societal) consciousness  over  the  past  10,000  years,  and  the  impact  that this evolution  has  had  on  the  quality  of governance and level of democracy currently  being  experienced  in  nations around the world. The use of the Barrett  Values  Centre’s Cultural Values Assessment instrument for mapping the  level  of  cultural  alignment  and  cultural  entropy  of  nations is described, with case studies from Iceland and Bhutan.