Leading a Team

The next requirement for a leader, after they learned to lead themselves, is to develop a capacity to lead others. Leading others or any group of people with a common goal or purpose is obviously not the same as leading yourself. It requires significantly more skills and capabilities.

Just as you learned to create the conditions for your own fulfilment in Leading Self, you must now learn how to create the conditions for a group of people to find their individual and collective fulfilment. You not only need to give your team a sense of purpose, but you also need to enable them, individually and collectively, to achieve high levels of sustainable performance.

Your job as a team leader is to create an "all for one and one for all" team spirit. You will only be able to do this if you can create a climate of trust. If your team does not trust you to care for their needs and be there for them when they need you, you will never be able to create the level of internal cohesion required to create a high-performance team. In addition to trusting you, your team members will also need to trust each other.

You must also give your team a clear sense of purpose. Every person on your team needs to discover their own sense of purpose and have a clear line of sight between their personal purpose, the team’s purpose and the organization’s purpose.
Find Out More About this Subject Via These E-Learning Courses
The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
Since the arrival of Homo sapiens on the evolutionary scene there have been six stages of societal evolution. Each stage of societal evolution required a new type of leadership. This course describes the type of leadership that is required to manage the next stage of societal evolution - the type of leadership that aligns with the worldview of Humanity Awareness. 
What You Will Learn
1. The fundamental leadership imperatives of the worldview of humanity awareness

2. Why our leaders need to stop focusing on  "I" and start focusing on "We."

3. The impact of the stages of development on leaderships focus.

4. Why our leaders need to shift from belief-based decision-making to values-based decision-making
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • 7 Stages of Psychological Development (FC)
  • The Humanity Awareness Initiative (HMAI)
Recommended Post-Courses
  • Leading Self (LSLF)
  • Leading a Team (LTEM)
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Leading Self (LSLF)
It all begins with you. If you can't lead yourself, you will not be able to lead a team and you will never be able to lead an organization. Leading Self means understanding yourself; getting to grips with your ego's motivations and your soul's motivations; understanding your needs and desires; understanding what stage of psychological development you are at; identifying the fear-based  beliefs that are holding you back, and overcoming those fears so you can fulfill your potential.
What You Will Learn
1. The process of personal mastery

2. The six things you must do to get into alignment with your self

3. The three types of energetic connection

3. How to get into and stay in a state of flow
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • 7 Stages of Organizational Development (7SOD)
  • The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
Recommended Post-Courses
  • Leading a Team (LTEM)
  • Leading an Organization (LORG)
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Leading a Team (LTEM)
Leading a team or any other group of people is obviously not the same as leading yourself. It requires significantly more skills and capabilities. Just as you learned to create the conditions for your own fulfillment in the Leading Self module, you now must learn how to create the conditions for a group of people to find their individual and collective fulfillment. 
What You Will Learn
1. The three types of mental motivation

2. The seven levels of team consciousness

3. How to measure the level of cohesion of your team

3. How to be a coach for your team
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
  • Leading Self (LSLF)
Recommended Post-Courses
  • Leading an Organization (LORG)
  • Leading in Society (LSOC)
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Leading an Organization (LORG)
Leading an organization is infinitely more complex than leading a team, and it is not something you can do on your own. You need to surround yourself with a leadership team. You need the best team you can get, but more than that, you need a team that you can trust, a team that trusts each other and a team that trusts you. How to do this, is what this course is about. 
What You Will Learn
1. How to create internal cohesion in your organization

2. How to build organizational resilience through strategic alliances

3. The Seven Levels of organizational consciousness

3. How to manage whole system transformation in your organization
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
  • Leading a Team (LTEM)
Recommended Post-Courses
  • Leading in Society (LSOC)
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Leading in Society (LSOC)
There are many ways you can become a leader in a societal context. The possibilities are endless. Whatever leadership role you have in a societal context will inevitably mean setting up a group or an organization that will need to be led and managed. To lead in society you must become a full-spectrum human being and a full-spectrum leader. You must be able to respond to every challenge you face in a calm and thoughtful manner. You must become a role model for the evolution of human consciousness.
What You Will Learn
1. The seven values at the heart of democracy

2. The three most important issues you need to resolve to develop a cohesive society

3. The three algorithms of evolutionary intelligence that guide societal development

3. The five most important characteristics of a societal leader
Recommended Pre-Courses
  • The New Leadership Paradigm (TNLP)
  • Leading an Organization (LORG)
Recommended Post-Courses
  • The Humanity Awareness Initiative (HMAI)
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