Leading an organisation is infinitely more complex than leading a team; it is not something you can do on your own. You will need to build a leadership team. You need the best team you can get, but, more than that, you need a team you can trust, a team that trusts each other, and a team that trusts you. Your team must be aligned around a shared set of values, and a vision and purpose that is meaningful to your employees. Your priority, as the leader of an organization, is to care about the needs of your employees.
You must create a values-driven organizational culture with a low level of cultural entropy. Cultural entropy is the degree of dysfunction in a human system caused by behaviours that are rooted in fear and self-interest.
In an organization, potentially limiting values such as internal competition, blame, silo mentality, bureaucracy, empire building, are some of the principal drivers of entropic behaviour. When you reduce cultural entropy, you increase the well-being of the employees and the organization. Every indicator of organizational performance improves when you reduce cultural entropy.
There are three ways to reduce cultural entropy:
- Reduce the personal entropy of current leadersthrough coaching and mentoring.
- Reduce the institutionalisedentropic legacy of past leaders by reviewing and amending the organization'ssystems, policies and procedures to make sure they align with the espousedvalues of the organization.
- Manage the culture of theorganisation by measuring the organization's values alignment on a regularbasis